

2018-10-26 15:14:54 作者:admin 来源:中国国际新闻杂志社

中国国际新闻杂志社北京电(中国国际新闻杂志社社长郝江华推荐、副社长兼首席编辑管敬革 )说起平平凡凡的安徽农民管石刻,从小就喜欢练习少林功夫,因家庭贫穷一直没能去少林寺深造。后来结婚生子,儿子二岁的时候他就开始传授儿子少林基本功。在互联网 高度发达的时代,根本探索不到他名字,他更从来就沒有过现代人用做交际的名片,就是这么一位千千万万普通人群里的普通一人却凭借着那份的远见卓识,辛苦培养出一个名声在外与武艺超群的优秀儿子:管廷东"法名释延东"(中国国际新闻杂志社国际影响力少林禅武人物),就是这位身怀绝技武功的管家年轻人,与影视名明星:释小龙、王宝强师出同门,先后共拜中国嵩山少林寺方丈释永信大和尚为师,管廷东5岁就投在少林门下练习少林功夫,经常随入选少林武僧团出访多个国家,表演威震国内外的中国功夫之少林绝技,所到之处深受广大中外武术爱好者们的点赞,管廷东(释延东)的名字可以说名扬海内外,并在2018春晚上与成龙,刘德华经常同台演出……

Speaking of the ordinary anhui farmers pipe stone carving, since childhood like to practice shaolin kung fu, because family poverty has been unable to go to shaolin temple for further study. He married and had children. When his son was two years old, he began to teach his son shaolin's basic skills. Highly developed in the Internet era, simply cannot explore his name, he has never been used as modern communication card, it is a common one of the thousands of ordinary people on it with the foresight, hard to create a good reputation and martial arts super son: GuanTingDong 'had a delayed release east, is the first official housekeeper young martial arts, and film and television star: little dragons, wang baoqiang the stuff, has a total of China songshan shaolin temple abbot abbot monk for division, GuanTingDong vote at the age of five practice shaolin kung fu in shaolin door, He often accompanied the martial art delegation of shaolin to visit a number of countries, performing the shaolin stunts of Chinese kung fu both at home and abroad, where he was well received by Chinese and foreign martial arts enthusiasts thumb up, guan tingdong (shi yandong) is famous both at home and abroad, and he often performed together with Jackie chan and Andy lau in spring 2018

培养出来的儿子如此优秀,却可窥见一个普通安徽人管石刻的远见卓识。本文有必要介绍一下管门儿子的其人其事:管廷东,法号释延东,现年21岁,身高172cm,中国国际新闻杂志社影视传播院副院长,2002年被父亲送往中国嵩山少林寺习武,因成绩优秀2004年被寺院派遣到德国柏林学习并发扬少林文化,2006年回国以严格的成功闯关少林铜罗阵进入中国嵩山少林寺武僧团,2008年参加西方舞台剧(佛经)角色小武僧跟随舞台剧两年跑遍很多欧洲国家,现在世界各地《佛经舞台剧》都还在热播中。2009年回国参加国际巨星陈龙、刘德华、谢霆锋等拍摄电影《新少林寺》演少林小和尚。在2010年连续两年参加助阵刘德华香港与内地演唱会,随后一直跟随师傅释永信大和尚担任不同角色传播少林文化。期间参加很多节目录制,在2014年少林寺内部一年一度考功大会中获得禅武第三名,2015年获得考功大会晋级禅武第一名,2017年获得考功大会延续着禅武第一名的势头,从2018年狗年春晚参演双雄会至今追随恩师左右苦练少林武功绝技:少林 拳、地躺拳 、猴拳、 狗拳 、蛤蟆拳 醉拳 、兵器 、少林双枪 、少林棍 ……

The son is so excellent, but you can see a common anhui people's stone carving insight. In this paper, it is necessary to introduce the door son: it GuanTingDong, method number interpretation of the east, is 21 years old, height 172 cm, 2002 by the father sent to the songshan shaolin temple in China, because of good performance was monastery sent to study in Berlin, Germany in 2004 and carry forward the shaolin culture, returning to China in 2006 with the success of the strict recruit shaolin copper matrix into the songshan shaolin temple group of martial artist monks of China, in 2008 to participate in the western stage (buddhist) role the little monk followed stage two years run many European countries and now is still hit the sutras of stage all over the world. In 2009, he returned to China to take part in the film "new shaolin temple" with international stars Chen long, liu dehua and tse tingfeng. In 2010, I attended Andy lau's concerts in Hong Kong and the mainland for two consecutive years, and then I worked with the great monk shi yongxin to spread shaolin culture. To many program recording during the shaolin temple in the internal annual work conference in 2014, chan won the third, 2015 chan gets a promotion of the examination work the first, in 2017, chan gets a continuation of the examination work the first, from 2018 the year of the dog gala in pair will still follow the teacher about practice shaolin martial arts stunts: shaolin boxing, tumbling boxing, monkey, dog boxing, shaolin boxing drunken master and weapons toad double gun, shaolin stick...


The green lantern to practice the Chinese kung fu guan tingdong, ears always ring out the sound of the classic lyrics: a long history, a long history, shaolin temple weizhen quartet! Change of wushu, the only one like you, the world famous notorious! Shaolin... shaolin


GuanTingDong could walk little dragons, wang baoqiang movie star, but he well after racing but want to filial piety, especially his filial piety, so he and his father tube goes into hefei shaolin zen Wu Tang carved stone, founded in May 2017, has recruited more than 100 students, some students in the ninth martial arts game got many awards in anhui province this year. Its mission is to promote Chinese culture and spread shaolin kung fu. Never studied martial arts before learning virtues, never learned rites before learning arts. Spread shaolin true skill, educate brand-new person, slogan is: practice shaolin skill hard, do not become cowardly person. No man is better than his neighbor. This is their namesake, I hope their buddhist hall of fame reputation at home and abroad, peaches and plums all over the world.


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