中国国际新闻杂志社讯(本刊常务副社长孟小岸推荐)2024年是中法建交60周年,具有承前启后、继往开来的重要意义。为庆祝中法建交60 周年、同济大学建校117 周年,增进中欧教育交流与合作,同济大学将在中法两地举办系列学术和文化交流活动。作为系列活动之一,同济大学经济与管理学院将在法国巴黎举办同济大学经济与管理学院四十周年院庆暨中法教育家、企业家论坛。此次论坛主题为“中法建交 60 周年:新时代中法可持续发展合作与展望”,将以同济经管40 周年院庆、中法工商管理人才试验区(简称中法班)项目25 周年为契机,为中法两国教育家、企业家和青年搭建交流平台,进一步与各界友人深耕教育合作沃土,探索在可持续发展、国际化、人工智能、新能源等领域的合作增长点,共谋新时代、新格局下的发展机遇与前景。
The year 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between China and France, as well as the 117th anniversary of the founding of Tongji University. To enhance educational exchanges and cooperation between China and Europe, Tongji University will host a series of academic and cultural exchange activities in China and France. As part of these activities, the School of Economics and Management of Tongji University (Tongji SEM) will hold a forum in Paris, France, joined by Chinese and French experts from academia and industry. The theme of this forum is "Cooperation and Prospects for Sustainable Development in the New Era”. On the occasion of celebrating Tongji SEM's 40th anniversary and Sino-French Program's 25th anniversary, the forum aims to build an exchange platform for educators, entrepreneurs, and youth from China and France, promoting educational cooperation and encouraging stakeholders from all walks of life to discuss the potential cooperation opportunities in sustainable development, internationalization, artificial intelligence, new energy and other fields relevant to the new era.
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